Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Thank you so much for the John Denver and the Muppets DVD, you have truly made my Christmas!

-Cheryl M., Louisville, KY

I ordered both the Star Wars and Muppet Christmas DVDs and I can't wait to watch them every year. Thank you for making my year.

-Alex P., Chicago, IL

My family and I just want to say thank you for offering this hard to find classic. This will make for a wonderful holiday.

-Teresa T., Columbus, OH

WOW! My sister and I used to watch this when we were little, then it just disappeared. I bought one for myself and for her, and the quality is great!!!

-Bryan S., Wheeling, WV

You have just made my day !!! For years I have searched for John Denver and the Muppets Christmas Together. My mother is 85 years old and has talked about this show every year at Christmas since it was first shown. To be able to give this to her knowing there is so little she really looks forward to and enjoys is just perfect.

-Mary Ann R., Elberon, VA

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*Note - This is not a commercial DVD. These TV Specials have NEVER been released to the public*

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